GeneralFormatting Subsections

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Formatting Subsections

Post by pvogt38 »

I figured out how to indent the subsection headings by making a simple edit in article.cls
(I added \indent in the subsection definition, in article.cls)
Now I have to figure out how to indent the body text under the subsection heading
Any sugestions?
Thanks for any help,

What I would like, and can't do:

1.0 Section one heading
Body text about Section one. This is several paragraphs
2.0 Section two heading
Body text about section two, again some paragraphs.
___2.1 Sub Section heading
___body text or a paragraph about section 2.1
___2.2 Sub Section Title
___Body text, A paragraph about section 2.2
_______2.2.1 Sub Sub Section Title
_______A paragraph about this sub sub section.
3.0 Section three title
words about section three.

Recommended reading 2024: • •
LaTeX Beginner's Guide LaTeX Cookbook LaTeX TikZ graphics TikZによるLaTeXグラフィックス
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