OthersHow could I achieve something like the iOS Texpad app?

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How could I achieve something like the iOS Texpad app?

Post by sonny »

I've an app that generates automatic documents (i.e: reports) through LaTeX and then uses a system-installed TeX distribution to output them as PDF.

Now I'd like to port this app to mobile devices. And I just saw that the developers behind Texpad have achieved exactly what I'd like to have:
The local typesetter is built upon a Texpad's own LaTeX distribution that runs natively on your iPad, iPod or iPhone. This provides a fast Typesetting option that doesn't need an internet connection'. The local typesetter is also capable of typesetting BibTeX. If a BibTeX file is detected in your project, Texpad will automatically run it (in the sequence LaTeX, BibTeX, LaTeX, LaTeX)
Looking at the iTunes shop, I see Texpad is about 50MB only, so they really tuned such builtin distribution to fit in a very reduced space.

What path should I follow if I'd like to build a similar distribution myself, on both iOS and Android? I've never compiled LaTeX from source, and IIRC it has some difficult steps, so I'm asking here hoping somebody could show what direction I should follow...

Recommended reading 2024:

LaTeXguide.org • LaTeX-Cookbook.net • TikZ.org
LaTeX Beginner's Guide LaTeX Cookbook LaTeX TikZ graphics TikZによるLaTeXグラフィックス
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How could I achieve something like the iOS Texpad app?

Post by Onlyzen »

How do I add packages to Texpad iOS?
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Joined: Tue Mar 27, 2018 7:16 am

How could I achieve something like the iOS Texpad app?

Post by Prateek10 »

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