Calendars and MiscellaneousYearly Calendar Formatting

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Yearly Calendar Formatting

Post by nvulic »

Hi, I was using the template from ... ed-din-a4/ to make a calendar. Whenever I try inserting text for any day in June it always pushes the calendar down and left. Just trying to figure out what is happening with the formatting. There is no issue with December on the 2nd page which is why this is weird. Something to do with maximum text width being violated I suppose...



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Stefan Kottwitz
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Yearly Calendar Formatting

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Hi Neven,

welcome to the forum!
nvulic wrote:Whenever I try inserting text for any day in June it always pushes the calendar down and left.
How are you doing this? I guess you don't insert text into the drawing but outside. You can place text by placing a node, similar to the \termin command there.

For example, you could define

Code: Select all

  \node [anchor=north west, text width= 3.4cm] at
    ($(cal-#1.north west)+(3em, -0.2ex)$) {#2};
and later in the drawing you use it like

Code: Select all

\mydate{\year-06-05}{Today is the day}
calendar.png (8.21 KiB) Viewed 29291 times
Stefan admin
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