Math & SciencePagebreak in formula

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Pagebreak in formula

Post by esong_98 »

My formula is too long. Latex won't let me break it into two pages. I've tried suggestions from past comments, but they don't work. \displaybreak[1].... \display[4] don't work, neither does \allowdisplaybreaks[1]....\allowdisplaybreaks[4] in preamble or inside formula work. My preamble is:

Code: Select all


%The next five packages are special mathematical formatting packages used to handle long equations, theorems and proofs.

%Euler cursive script form

%Define EconEJ colors

% You need this for the headers:

% Caption formatting

% Reduce font size for section
{-5ex \@plus -1ex \@minus -.2ex}{2.3ex \@plus.2ex}{\normalfont\large\bf}}

%Reduce font size for subsection
{\z@}{-3.25ex\@plus -1ex \@minus -.2ex}{1.5ex \@plus .2ex}{\normalfont\bf}}

% Enforce proper line breaks and avoid widows and orphans
\tolerance 1414
\hbadness 1414
\emergencystretch 1.5em
\hfuzz 0.3pt
\widowpenalty = 10000
\vfuzz \hfuzz
% Format footnotes

% Footnote formatting



% Place your own additions to the preable HERE, that is, BEFORE the following
% call to hyperref


%Hyperlink settings for linkcolors and initial view
\hypersetup{pdftitle={Economics: The Open Access, Open Assessment E-Journal}}

% Define font for hyperlinks

% Some fine-tuning of layout


% Put your additions to the preable above the call to hyperref, not here, unless you
% want to modify hyperref settings, as is the case with the precvious two commands

\setlength\intextsep{0pt plus 1pt minus 1pt}

My formula is

Code: Select all

\underset{C_t,}{\text{maximize}} \
W = \displaystyle\sum\limits_{t=1}^{T max}\mathscr{S_t}(\tau, \tau_{c,max})(1-\Omega^u_t) \beta^{t-1}U_t\bigg(C_t\Big(\displaystyle\sum_i^N E^c(\dot{m}_{it})\Big), L_t\bigg) \ 
\text{subject to} \\ 
\mathscr{S}(\tau, \tau_{c,max})(1-\Omega^Y_t)(1-\wedge_t)A_tF\Big[K_t(\Omega^K_t), H_t(\Omega^H_t), L_t(\Omega^L_t), \displaystyle\sum_i^N E^c(\dot{m}_{it})\Big] = \\
= C_t\Big(\displaystyle\sum_i^N E^y(\dot{m}_{it})\Big) + K_{t+1} + (1-\delta)K_t + H_{t+1} + (1-\delta_h)H_t  \\ 
\dot{M}(T) = \varpi \displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{T} \dot{m}(i) + (1-\varpi) \displaystyle\sum_{i=0}^{T} (1-\delta_p)^i \dot{m}(T-i) + \\ 
+(1-\varpi_x)\delta_{xm}\bigg(\displaystyle\sum_{j=1}^{T-1}\displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{j-1} (1-\delta_{xm})\dot{m^x}_{T-j}\bigg) + \dot{M}^e(1) \\
\tau = b_1\ln\frac{[\dot{M}_t]}{[\dot{M}_1]} +  b_2S_t\exp\frac{[\dot{M}_t]}{[\dot{M}_1]} \\
\hat{\Omega}^y=1-(1-S)/(1+\pi^y_1\tau+\pi^y_2\tau^2) \\
\hat{\Omega}^k=1-(1-S)/(1+\pi^k_1\tau+\pi^k_2\tau^2)  \\
\hat{\Omega}^h=1-(1-S)/(1+\pi^h_1\tau+\pi^h_2\tau^h)  \\
\hat{\Omega}^u=1-(1-S)/(1+\pi^u_1\tau+\pi^u_2\tau^u)  \\
\Omega_t = \chi_y\Omega^Y _t + \chi_k \Omega^K_t + \chi_h\Omega^H_t + \chi_l\Omega^L + \chi_u\Omega^u_t

Any suggestions other than break the formula into two formulas?
Last edited by Stefan Kottwitz on Tue Jun 09, 2015 11:32 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Pagebreak in formula

Post by Johannes_B »

It cannot be done with equation, but with align. Is that really one single equation? If not, align (or aligned) or surely the better choice.

Please post a minimal working example. With a large preamble and code snippets, answering a question takes too long to do it during a short break.
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Re: Pagebreak in formula

Post by esong_98 »

Nope, aligned doesn't work. The Amsmath manuel also states that you can't page break using aligned or split.

I tried using \begin{subequations} and break the problem up into separate equations. Unfortunately, each line is numbered not each equation. So this problem is still unsolved. I've tried putting a box around the equation and make it into something like a figure where I can put the box anywhere in the paper, but it just doesn't look right, and formatting the box is a problem.

The only other solution I can think of is to break it up into a sequence of equations. But I want to let the reader know that the equations should act as one unit, so I'm reluctant to go that route.
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Re: Pagebreak in formula

Post by esong_98 »

I actually got the \align mode to get a page break in the formula with \displaybreak, but it made the formatting even worse. That's because the pagebreak only makes the formula box bigger. Thus, the bad box got even worse. The problem was that since Latex wants to put the formula on one page, it leaves too much space on the page before the formula. By using pagebreak, I now had too much space on the first page of the formula, while still having too much space on the page before the formula.

I worked out a partial solution where I broke up the formula into pieces, and then used \begin{equation*}, then left out the * on the last piece of the formula, this kept the numbering system intact. The format looked much better, but it didn't completely get rid of the bad box.
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Re: Pagebreak in formula

Post by Johannes_B »

I would need a minimal working example to test anything. The code snippets abbove are huge and the time to make this into a sensible document would take too long for a short break.
The smart way: Calm down and take a deep breath, read posts and provided links attentively, try to understand and ask if necessary.
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