Code: Select all
%The next three packages are special mathematical formatting packages used to handle long equations, theorems and proofs.
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% Caption formatting
% Reduce font size for section
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% Format footnotes
% Footnote formatting
% Place your own additions to the preable HERE, that is, BEFORE the following
% call to hyperref
%Hyperlink settings for linkcolors and initial view
\hypersetup{pdftitle={Economics: The Open Access, Open Assessment E-Journal}}
% Define font for hyperlinks
% Some fine-tuning of layout
% Put your additions to the preable above the call to hyperref, not here, unless you
% want to modify hyperref settings, as is the case with the precvious two commands
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If $CO_2$, $M$, emissions are always positive and never converging to zero, then the economy eventually suffers 100 percent damage or $\hat{\Omega} \rightarrow 1$ as time $t \rightarrow \infty$.
Assuming no emissions into the biosphere or oceans, the concentration of $CO_2$ at $t=t+m$ is given by equation (11) or $\dot{M}(t+n) = \varpi \displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{N} \dot{m}(t+i) + (1-\varpi) \displaystyle\sum_{i=0}^{N} (1-\delta_p)^i \dot{m}(t+N-i) + \dot{M}^e(t)$.
Apparently I'm missing a usepackage or sometype of command to get my proof formated. Any suggestions? By the way, the proof is still incomplete so it doesn't make sense yet.