Fonts & Character SetsCV13 and inputenc

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CV13 and inputenc

Post by gbonnema »

Hey guys,

Just joined this site. I really love that it contains so many templates to choose from: good quality too!

When downloading, it contains a structure.tex that by default uses \inputenc. The compiler I use (Xelatex) warns me not to use \inputenc and indeed the only German character in there (é) gave an error. So I went ahead and changed the \inputenc to a comment and voilá: everything works!

So, I was wondering : is structure.tex meant to be changed that way? I.e. why include \inputenc if its not a general requirement?

Kind regards, Guus Bonnema.

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CV13 and inputenc

Post by Johannes_B »

Hi and welcome,

this is a very good questioins. The templates provided are mere examples or starting points that you can (and have to) adjust to your needs. For example, some templates contain the author and title information in structure.tex, you surely have to change that.

Some templates even require using XeLaTeX to input special fonts, fonts that only Mac users have for free. Others would ne to buy a licence or somehow get the font by means of other dubious ways. No problem, just change the font.

Change the files to you needs, to have your own personal document. If there are more questions, fire away ;-)
The smart way: Calm down and take a deep breath, read posts and provided links attentively, try to understand and ask if necessary.
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