Graphics, Figures & TablesSubfloat references broken by hyperref's implicit=false

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Subfloat references broken by hyperref's implicit=false

Post by woj-k »

Hello all,

I am using the subcaption package with hyperref. If I allow hyperref to redefine LaTeX internals (implicit option set to true), everything works fine. If, however, I do not want a hyperlinked document and set hyperref's implicit=false option, subcaption's \subref macro generates errors. Problem exists both in pdfLaTeX and XeLaTeX. The \ref macro is unaffected.

The obvious answer is "don't want hyperlinks -> don't use hyperref", but the problem is, hyperref's rich options are also good for other things, like controlling pdf metadata using the \hypersetup{pdfinfo={...}}.

I found some old topics from 2011--2012 that dealt with hyperref--subcaption issues that were patched shortly thereafter, but it seems only behaviour with the default implicit=true was addressed.

Does anyone have an idea how to make \usepackage[implicit=false]{hyperref} work with subcaption's facilities? I would greatly appreciate any advice.


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Reference to Table: \ref{tab:one}

Reference to first subtable: \ref{subtab:one}

Subreference to first subtable: \subref{subtab:one}% Error if implicit=false, works otherwise.

\caption{Table caption 1}\label{tab:one}
\subcaptionbox{\strut\label{subtab:one}}{First subfloat}


\subcaptionbox{\strut\label{subtab:two}}{Second subfloat}


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