Calendars and MiscellaneousInvoice: Odd percentage error in subtotal (and total)

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Invoice: Odd percentage error in subtotal (and total)

Post by visvaji »

I have just started with the invoice class. Exactly what I need.

However there is an odd percentage error in the subtotal, and total. This is an example:

Code: Select all

\feetype{bla bla}
\hourrow{bla bla}{1.0}{180}
\hourrow{bla bla}{0.5}{180}
\hourrow{bla bla}{0.20}{180}
\hourrow{bla bla}{0.20}{180}
\hourrow{bla bla}{0.5}{180}

\feetype{bla bla}
\hourrow{bla bla}{0.5}{180}
\hourrow{bla bla}{0.5}{180}
The result is:
bla bla 1.00 Std. 180.00 180.00
bla bla 0.50 Std. 180.00 90.00
bla bla 0.20 Std. 180.00 36.00
bla bla 0.20 Std. 180.00 36.00
bla bla 0.50 Std. 180.00 90.00
Teilsumme 431.64
Why not 432.00?

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Invoice: Odd percentage error in subtotal (and total)

Post by visvaji »

Saw this warning and played with the number of hours. For example, 0.25 or 0.30 hours don't have the problem. It is a rounding problem after all.

Any explanations?
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Invoice: Odd percentage error in subtotal (and total)

Post by Johannes_B »

Hi and welcome,

i filed an issue report with the developer on github. The problem is known and i bumped it once more. Let's hope he adjusts the class.

There is one problem though, the class provided at LaTeX-templates is an older version, incompatible to the current version.
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