Curricula Vitae / RésumésSecond line of my University to be right justified?

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Second line of my University to be right justified?

Post by templateuser »

First of all, as previously mentioned on these forums, incredible template. Thank you very much for providing it!

The length of my University name is long enough, combined with my course title, to go onto the next line. The second line appears left justified.

How would I go about making the second line right justified?

Thanks again,

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Stefan Kottwitz
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Second line of my University to be right justified?

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Hi Glyn,

use \raggedleft right before the title, but ensure that it's within a group or environment, so only the title would be affected. Or enclose the title in \begin{flushright} ... \end{flushright}.

Stefan admin
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