Presentations and PostersTemplate information: presentations and posters

Beamer, Powerdot and KOMA-Script presentations, Conference posters (a0poster, baposter, tikzposter)
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Stefan Kottwitz
Site Admin
Posts: 10290
Joined: Mon Mar 10, 2008 9:44 pm

Template information: presentations and posters

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Here you can find
  • Links to the templates with preview and download
  • List of existing forum topics for each template.
Have a look at the topic list, if your question may already be discussed in the forum, and for inspiration of possibilities.

Feel free to post any question you have. Please mention the template name in your post. If it's not listed here, please add a link to it in your post.

  • Fancyslides Presentation
    Template page with Download List of Forum Topics
    This presentation template uses the Fancyslides class which builds on top of the well-known beamer class to give it a modern and concise design. The template is very minimalist with large font sizes and little space for text and would thus be suited for popular presentations by confident speakers. It makes extensive use of background images for slides to provide a strong visual counterpart to the verbal presentation. Content within the presentation is housed within translucent colored circles or rectangles. The former are used for main points or section delineations while the latter are used for larger blocks of text or data slides. Several predefined color options are present within the template and you can also define your own.
  • KOMA-Script Presentation
    Template page with Download List of Forum Topics
    This presentation template is unique in that it uses the standard KOMA-Script scrartcl class to create a beautiful presentation. The use of a standard class means that this template allows direct copy/pasting from other LaTeX documents and doesn’t require specialized commands like other presentation classes. The design of the slides is focused on readability with large fonts and line spacing. Each slide features a running head and a footer with information about the author as well as progress through the presentation. The coloring, shadows and custom fonts give the presentation an elegant look while clearly displaying any type of content.
  • Beamer Presentation
    Template page with Download List of Forum Topics
    This presentation template uses the well-known Beamer class and shows how effortless presentation-making with LaTeX can be. The template has examples of most of the features that are typically found in a presentation, including the following example slides: title, overview, paragraphs of text, bullet points, blocks of highlighted text, multiple columns, tables, theorems, verbatim text, figures, citations, references and conclusions/acknowledgments.
Conference Posters
  • a0poster Portrait Poster
    Template page with Download List of Forum Topics
    This poster features a clean portrait layout with a large header section housing important information about the poster and space for a logo of your institution or a photo of you. Poster content is neatly divided into two columns which is typical for a poster with a portrait orientation. The number of columns can easily be changed if you would like more room for text. The template features the ability to easily change the color of any section or element and shows this off with several examples (e.g. the color of the introduction and conclusions sections).
  • a0poster Landscape Poster
    Template page with Download List of Forum Topics
    This poster features a clean landscape layout with a large header section housing important information about the poster, a column for contact information and space for a logo of your institution or a photo of you. Poster content is neatly divided into four columns to make use of the space available as much as possible. The number of columns can easily be changed if you would like the extra width for larger tables and figures. The template features the ability to easily change the color of any section or element and shows this off with several examples (e.g. the color of the introduction and conclusions sections).
  • baposter Landscape Poster
    Template page with Download List of Forum Topics
    This poster template features a large header with space for two logos to either side of the title and neatly divides poster content into separate boxes with clear headings in each one. The landscape layout features four columns which can be merged into larger blocks if required, such as in the Results 1, Conclusion and Future Research sections of the template. Merged blocks allow more space for showing off results while blocks taking up one column are ideal for small paragraphs of text or details about the research.
  • baposter Portrait Poster
    Template page with Download List of Forum Topics
    This poster template neatly divides content into separate boxes with clear headings in each one. The portrait layout features a small side column for study details and a larger column to show off results obtained from the research. The larger column can be optionally divided into two columns to squeeze more information into the poster. The default colors of the template are in the blue spectrum but can be easily changed within the template. Examples of a table, figure, equation, list and bibliography are present in the template to provide a starting point for any requirement you may have for your own poster.
  • Dreuw & Deselaer’s Poster
    Template page with Download List of Forum Topics
    This poster template features a dark gray color scheme for content and a contrasting title and footer to highlight important information about the research. Content is laid out in two columns in a portrait orientation but changing it to landscape and increasing the number of columns is quite easy. The template makes extensive use of lists for styling which promotes a clear and concise description of research. Examples of a table, figure, equation, list and bibliography are present in the template to provide a starting point for any requirement you may have for your own poster.
  • Jacobs Landscape Poster
    Template page with Download List of Forum Topics
    This poster template features a clean sectioned look suitable for presenting research at a conference. Important information is highlighted with colored boxes and each section within the poster is clearly separated from the others. The layout of the template contains four columns but this can be changed to accommodate varying amounts of information or figures. Examples of a table, figure, equation, list and bibliography are present in the template to provide a starting point for any requirement you may have for your own poster. admin

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LaTeX Beginner's Guide LaTeX Cookbook LaTeX TikZ graphics TikZによるLaTeXグラフィックス
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