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- Arsclassica Article
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This article uses the Arsclassica package (a modification of the Classic Thesis package) to specify the document layout and structure. The template features a single column layout which makes it suitable for a greater number of applications such as for academic articles, business articles and reports. The page layout is very clean and minimal to focus on the content at hand in an elegant way. - Stylish Article
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This article template attempts to emulate the design of contemporary scientific publications. It does this by including colored boxes behind the abstract and headings and a succinct text layout. The template features a table of contents, something usually not seen in articles, which makes it ideal for longer articles with significant structure or for archival purposes. - Journal Article
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This article template aims to emulate scientific journal publications by using a conservative thin document style. The format of the template follows the typical journal publication including an abstract for summarizing the article, introduction, methods, results and discussion. Examples of an equation, table and list are included. - Large Colored Title Article
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This article template features a large colored title. This serves to emphasize the topic at hand and is suitable for a more casual article with a short title. The two-column layout is typical of an article and makes the content clean and easy to read. A summary/abstract section is present to provide a lead-in or summary of the article along with examples of sections, equations, tables and enumeration.
- Thin Sectioned Essay
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This essay template features a thin single column of text divided by clear section titles to increase readability and aesthetics. The template contains examples of an abstract, keywords and references which makes it suitable for college/university essays but these elements can be easily removed for a simpler high school essay. The title and subtitle of the essay are prominently displayed along with the author information prior to the essay content to immediately draw the attention of the person marking the essay. - Simple Sectioned Essay
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This is a simple sectioned essay template suitable for university essays which generally require more content. The template is clearly structured into a section, sub-section and sub-sub-section format and would suit the typical essay layout of an introduction, content section 1, content section 2 and conclusion.
- Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
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The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) allows authors to submit their manuscripts formatted in LaTeX to any of their journals. For this, they provide three templates which contain the structure and referencing style they would like for submissions. The templates provided here include a filled-out example article template, a guide for correctly using the template, the ACM bibliography style, example bibliography and an ACM class used for formatting the article. The template is extensively commented and sectioned to make writing your manuscript easy. - Science Journal
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The Science Journal allows authors to submit their manuscripts formatted in LaTeX. For this, they provide a template which contains the structure and reference style they would like for submissions. The template provided here includes a filled-out example article, Science bibliography style, example bibliography and the scicite package used for formatting the reference numbers. - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Template page with Download • List of Forum Topics The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) allows authors to submit their publications formatted in LaTeX to any of their 100+ transactions journals. For this, they provide the IEEEtran class and demo templates which contain the structure and reference style they would like for submissions. The IEEE Photonics Society also provides the IEEEphot class and a demo template for submissions to IEEE Photonics. - ACS Publications
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American Chemical Society (ACS) Publications allows authors to submit their manuscripts formatted in LaTeX to any of their journals. For this, they provide a demo template which contains the structure and reference style they would like for submissions. The demo template provided here includes the achemso class, bibliography style, documentation and an example template with associated bibliography. The demo template features a single-column layout for easy reviewing and all of the document elements that are typically found in journal articles: article information, author information, tables, figures, equations, references and more. - Elsevier’s elsarticle Document Class
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Elsevier’s elsarticle document class and templates can be used by academics to write and submit journal articles to all Elsevier journals. There are presently over 2,700 journals published by Elsevier with over 250,000 articles published per year. Popular journals include Cell, The Lancet, Lancet Infectious Diseases and Lancet Neurology but a complete list of all Elsevier journals can be found here. Elsevier explicitly state that this class and templates are their preferred format for articles submitted to all of their journals. - American Geophysical Union
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The AGU LaTeX template features a single-column draft layout by default but has the option to change this to a two-column layout which mimics the layout of published articles and allows authors to get an accurate estimation of the size of their article. The draft layout divides the article into separate pages by different elements: the author information, abstract, article content and figures/tables. The template contains ample commenting which advises you how the AGU would like you to use the template, several rules to note are that no custom macros are allowed, no subfigures are accepted, and the bibliography must consist of ‘\bibitem’s rather than the inclusion of a bib file. - PNAS Journal
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The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS) allows authors to submit their manuscript formatted in LaTeX to the PNAS Journal. For this, they provide a template which contains the structure and reference style they would like for submissions. The PNAS LaTeX template features a two-column layout and mirrors the layout seen in final publications released by PNAS. This allows authors to determine the exact length of their manuscripts as they will appear if accepted. The template is highly structured so each piece of information is clearly separated into sections for easy editing. - Public Library of Science (PLOS)
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The Public Library of Science (PLOS) allows authors to submit their manuscript formatted in LaTeX to any of their journals. For this, they provide a template which contains the structure and reference style they would like for submissions. Journals published by PLOS include: PLOS ONE, PLOS Biology, PLOS Medicine, PLOS Computational Biology, PLOS Genetics, PLOS Pathogens and PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases. - Royal Society of Chemistry
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The Royal Society of Chemistry encourages authors to submit manuscripts for journal articles in LaTeX by providing three templates for authors to use. The templates cover the scope of articles published by journals of the RSC: full papers (including reviews), communications and faraday discussions. Each template includes dummy content which provides an example for authors for how to write their paper in LaTeX.