Calendars and MiscellaneousTemplate information: calendars, memos, invoices, misc

Calendars, invoices, tables, memos, contracts, dictionaries, code snippets
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Stefan Kottwitz
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Joined: Mon Mar 10, 2008 9:44 pm

Template information: calendars, memos, invoices, misc

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Here you can find
  • Links to the templates with preview and download
  • List of existing forum topics for each template.
Have a look at the topic list, if your question may already be discussed in the forum, and for inspiration of possibilities.

Feel free to post any question you have. Please mention the template name in your post. If it's not listed here, please add a link to it in your post.

  • Conference/Event Timetable
    Template page with Download List of Forum Topics
    This calendar template is useful for creating a conference/event calendar. Each day can be given a title (such as your location on that day) followed by the plan for that day. The calendar can span any number of weeks and the starting dates can be changed.
  • Weekly Timetable
    Template page with Download List of Forum Topics
    This calendar template is useful for creating a weekly calendar of recurring events. Within each day, the time of the event is divided from the event title for easy scheduling. This layout would suit a university student planning their weekly lectures, as shown in the example.
  • Monthly Calendar
    Template page with Download List of Forum Topics
    This calendar template is useful for creating a calendar month on a single A4 sheet of paper. This can be left blank with just the day numbers or text can be written for individual days. The starting day and date can be readily changed within the template.
  • Custom Class
    Template page with Download List of Forum Topics
    This template is for advanced users of LaTeX who are interested in creating their own LaTeX class. The creation of a LaTeX class allows one to specify all document requirements (packages, input files, etc) and layout specifications in a .cls file while reserving the .tex file purely for content. An important feature of this template is the inclusion of a pair of custom class options which act as a toggle within the class to change document settings based on the class option supplied. This means the user of the .tex file can change the class option at the top of the template .tex file which changes the layout of the document.
  • Dictionary
    Template page with Download List of Forum Topics
    This template creates a dictionary with a two-column layout and clear headings delimiting different letters. The header on each page contains the first and last word on that page, making for easy navigation. Converting your current dictionary information to use in this template is easy as a single command specifies the addition of each word. By default, this line has four arguments for the: word, pronunciation, classification and definition. Each can be customized as required (e.g. bold, italic, sans-serif, etc) or other arguments can be added.
  • Contract
    Template page with Download List of Forum Topics
    This template is for creating a contract with static and dynamic content. It is designed such that you add your static contract terms to the template once and re-use it for many clients using a number of dynamic variables, such as for the payee’s name and the hourly rate. The template contains a spacious layout with a minimalist title page and tailing page containing signature lines for all parties.
  • Memo
    Template page with Download List of Forum Topics
    This template uses the texMemo class to make writing a memo using LaTeX incredibly simple. The template includes the ability to include a company logo underneath which the memo information is housed. The layout of the document is professional and the use of the Palatino font gives it a unique touch to differentiate your memos from those produced by other means!
  • NIH Grant Proposal
    Template page with Download List of Forum Topics
    The National Institutes of Health (NIH) provides grants to researchers wishing to fund their research projects. The lengthy application requires a great deal of information regarding the proposed research and this template is meant to make the process easier by creating the document structure required for the application and providing examples of typical content. The template is primarily meant for the Specific Aims, Research Plan and Bibliography sections of the grant application but other parts (e.g., Budget Justification) can be created as additions to this template or subsequently created in a word processor.
  • Frequently Asked Questions
    Template page with Download List of Forum Topics
    This template provides an easy framework for creating a frequently asked questions (FAQ’s) document. The first page features a large title followed by a subtitle and list of all questions. Questions are clearly displayed in colored boxes with answers after them in plain text. Each question can contain a unique label to allow referencing it in future questions via links. Questions are also automatically numbered and this number can be referred to at any point.
  • Press Release
    Template page with Download List of Forum Topics
    This template makes writing a press release easy by dividing the document into the necessary sections and elements that are required for a clear press release. At the top of the press release is a place for a logo for your company/institution which serves to give the release credibility and recognition. Underneath this is a section for contact information regarding the release along with the date of the release. Next is the headline and subtitle which need to grab the attention and provide enough detail to make the purpose of the release clear at a glance. Finally, the content of the press release starts with a location, date and summary of the content followed by the body of the release.
  • Code Snippet
    Template page with Download List of Forum Topics
    Often times it is useful to include some code in a document, either as an example or to display it for publication. This template simplifies the process of including code from virtually any programming language in a LaTeX document. It uses the listings package to create a box around a piece of code and allows a large number of well-commented customizations to change its appearance.
  • Engineering Calculation Paper
    Template page with Download List of Forum Topics
    This template for engineering calculation paper is designed for engineers to present calculations in a clear way for review or documentation purposes. The large header includes meta-information about the document for easy tracking and includes space for a company or university logo.
  • Invoice
    Template page with Download List of Forum Topics
    This invoice template allows a small business or individual to produce invoices for goods and services. It features a clear header including the company providing the invoice followed by the recipient’s information. The list of goods and services being charged for is clear and concise separated by individual days and categories. The ability to include one-off expenses (without an hourly rate) is also present. The template is very simple to fill out; for each line a date, the number of hours worked and the hourly rate are specified and the template does all the calculations to produce the subtotal and total.
  • Chemical Equations
    Template page with Download List of Forum Topics
    This template provides a quick reference for typesetting chemical equations in LaTeX using the mhchem package which has been specifically designed to make chemical typesetting intuitive. The template starts with simple chemical notation and progresses to complex chemical equations involving a variety of interactions and notations.
  • Professional Table
    Template page with Download List of Forum Topics
    This table template provides a quick reference for how to add professional-looking tables to any document. The booktabs package is utilized to enable the use of horizontal rules specific for different parts of the table, adding to the overall professional aesthetic of the table. The table includes examples of amalgamating multiple columns into one cell and creating horizontal rules which do not span the entire width of the table. The entire table is extensively commented with further customization options and explanations for each line. admin

Recommended reading 2024: • •
LaTeX Beginner's Guide LaTeX Cookbook LaTeX TikZ graphics TikZによるLaTeXグラフィックス
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