I tried so many things, not only the instruction in Section 1.7.2 “Using US letter paper”, but also a lot of info I could search over internet for a whole day.
I found that there is one more place that affects overall output :
in Thesis.cls
. In my case the final output size depended on whether \documentclass{}
option was a4
or letter if \PassOptionsToClass{}
was set to a4
, while output was letter independent of \documentclass{}
option if \PassOptionToClass{}
was set to letter.This result was observed only when the
and \setmarginsrb{}
in Thesis.cls
were commented out completely; it must be overriding the configuration determined by the combination of \PassOptionsToClass{}
and \documentclass{}
options.Wish this helps to those who could have a hard time to use this superb template in letter format.