Theses, Books, Title pagesChanging the paper size to US letter

Classicthesis, Bachelor and Master thesis, PhD, Doctoral degree
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Changing the paper size to US letter

Post by templateuser »

Hi, I couldn’t figure out how to convert the paper size from A4 to letter.
I tried so many things, not only the instruction in Section 1.7.2 “Using US letter paper”, but also a lot of info I could search over internet for a whole day.

I found that there is one more place that affects overall output : \PassOptionsToClass{} in Thesis.cls. In my case the final output size depended on whether \documentclass{} option was a4 or letter if \PassOptionsToClass{} was set to a4, while output was letter independent of \documentclass{} option if \PassOptionToClass{} was set to letter.

This result was observed only when the \usepackage{vmargin} and \setmarginsrb{} in Thesis.cls were commented out completely; it must be overriding the configuration determined by the combination of \PassOptionsToClass{} and \documentclass{} options.

Wish this helps to those who could have a hard time to use this superb template in letter format.


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Changing the paper size to US letter

Post by templateuser »

I spent another hours to figure out how to keep using vmargin package with letter size paper. I gave up. Maybe because I have insufficient understanding on how LaTeX works. I decided to go easier route; using geometry package in place of vmargin and setmarginsrb. It definitely is compatible with letter size.

In short, in Thesis.cls :
[1] comment out \usepackage{vmargin} through the line for ‘foot sep’.
[2] Type \usepackage[hmargin=1in, vmargin=1in]{geometry}, for example. Refer to the options available for the geometry package.

Posts: 679
Joined: Tue Mar 03, 2015 4:01 pm

Changing the paper size to US letter

Post by templateuser »

Hey, I found this nice pdf about vmargin: ... margin.pdf

Anyways, by using \setpapersize{} Where is USletter

It will change the paper to USletter, so this may be a good inclusion in the original template.

Thanks for bringing this issue up, I wouldn’t have assumed my paper wasn’t letter if you didn’t bring this issue up!

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