Theses, Books, Title pagesUsing simplified Chinese in the document variables section

Classicthesis, Bachelor and Master thesis, PhD, Doctoral degree
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Using simplified Chinese in the document variables section

Post by templateuser »

Hi Vel,

first off, thank you for the great template!

I have a question concerning the use of simplified Chinese in the document-variables section of the classicthesis-config file.

Upon including the CJK-package in the classicthesis-config file and through the use of e.g. the following code:

\begin{CJK}{UTF8}{gbsn} CHINESE-CHARACTER \end{CJK}

I am able to include Hanzi-characters in the regular sections of your template – but for some reason the same command does not work in the document-variables section of the classicthesis-config file itself.

Any idea why and how to fix this?



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