Just changed the name to the right, and I want to put my picture in the left. The idea is that name and image stay at the same heigh so the interviewer can check both at a glance, we do like that in spain.
I've been trying to change it in the template but I didn't managed to make it. Could you help me please?
Thanks in advance,
Luis B.
Curricula Vitae / Résumés ⇒ Adding an image to the header
Adding an image to the header
Hi Luis,
I've had a quick play with the TITLE block to do what you'd like. It's probably not the best way of doing it but it works and looks quite good, here's the code for your TITLE block:
Here's how it looks:
I've had a quick play with the TITLE block to do what you'd like. It's probably not the best way of doing it but it works and looks quite good, here's the code for your TITLE block:
Code: Select all
\vspace{-30pt} % Trick for alignment
\vspace{0pt} % Trick for alignment
\raggedleft{\sffamily\Huge John Smith}\\ % Your name
{\color{headings}\fontspec[Variant = 2]{Zapfino} Curriculum {Vit\fontspec[Variant = 3]{Zapfino}\ae}} % Curriculum vitae text in the Zapfino font
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