! unicode-math error: "no-font-selected"
! You've loaded the unicode-math package, but you forgot to select a Unicode
! math font. Please select one with the \setmathfont
! command.
! See the unicode-math documentation for further information.
! For immediate help type H <return>.
l.50 {\color{red} $\varheartsuit
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You'll notice that the first line of the cv_10.tex file is \documentclass[]{friggeri-cv} which is saying that the compiler should refer to friggeri-cv.cls for the way to set out the document. Basically, this class is modifying the article class to create the layout you see and it hides the code that is used to create the document from the actual content of the document which is in the .tex file. This means that in the tex file you can focus on just writing the content but if you want to change anything in the template you do so in the .cls file. It's a way of abstracting the content from the layout and is cleaner than having everything in the .tex file!
Hope that makes sense!
Founder and administrator of LaTeXTemplates.com and LaTeXTypesetting.com