Presentations and PostersContinue text from one column onto the next

Beamer, Powerdot and KOMA-Script presentations, Conference posters (a0poster, baposter, tikzposter)
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Continue text from one column onto the next

Post by templateuser »

Once I put too much text in a block in the first column, it just goes off the bottom of the page instead of continuing at the top of the next column. Is it possible for me to create a block that continues onto the next column? If I don't put my text inside a block, it doesn't format correctly or have the same font as the text inside the blocks. Thanks.


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Re: Continue text from one column onto the next

Post by Vel »


Unfortunately this template doesn't support wrapping from one column to the next, you'll need to copy your overhanging text over to the next column in order to wrap a block.

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