Theses, Books, Title pagesBlank pages between chapters

Classicthesis, Bachelor and Master thesis, PhD, Doctoral degree
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Blank pages between chapters

Post by templateuser »

Everything works like a charm with the template now except for the fact that after each chapter it is adding one or two blank pages. I have tried several ways of getting rid of them, from adding openany in the class, to trying redifining styles with \renewcommand. however if I am able to get rid of the blank pages I usually break the template (picture at the beginning of the chapter)...

Is there any easy way to get rid of the blank pages after every chapter?



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Blank pages between chapters

Post by templateuser »

It does not add a blank page but removes the header if the last page of a chapter is odd. In main.tex, just before (chapter 3):

Code: Select all

\chapter{Presenting Information}
add \lipsum[1-7] and compile again. You'll see that the blank page disappears. This choice is driven by the fact that if you want to print the document, chapter pages will always be recto and not verso.

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