For my articles, I get the first author only followed by "et al" but I would prefer to list all authors.
Any suggestions?
Theses, Books, Title pages ⇒ bibliography - suppressing "et al" in author lists
- Posts: 679
- Joined: Tue Mar 03, 2015 4:01 pm
Re: bibliography - suppressing "et al" in author lists
Hey Phil,
I assume you're talking about in-text citations rather than in the bibliography?
What are the biblatex options you are using?
I assume you're talking about in-text citations rather than in the bibliography?
What are the biblatex options you are using?
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Re: bibliography - suppressing "et al" in author lists
Hi Vel,
Actually, I want all authors listed in the bibliography.
I've found it helpful to make sure everyone gets credit spelled out.
I'm using the default arguments to biblatex and I have tried a few tweaks, but with no luck.
Many Thanks for any thoughts...
Actually, I want all authors listed in the bibliography.
I've found it helpful to make sure everyone gets credit spelled out.
I'm using the default arguments to biblatex and I have tried a few tweaks, but with no luck.
Many Thanks for any thoughts...
bibliography - suppressing "et al" in author lists
Hi Phil,
I'm afraid I can't repeat this behavior. I took the template and changed the first reference in
I then ran biber and pdflatex twice and the bibliography entry looks like:
[HWS12] C. J. Hawthorn, K. P. Weber, and R. E. Scholten. Book title. 1st edition. Volume 3. 2. City: Publisher, Jan. 2012, pages 123–200 (cited on page 6).
Are you sure your
I'm afraid I can't repeat this behavior. I took the template and changed the first reference in
to:Code: Select all
@book{book_key,address = {City},publisher = {Publisher},author = {C. J. Hawthorn and K. P. Weber and R. E. Scholten},title = {Book title},year = {2012},volume = {3},series = {2},edition = {1},pages = {123--200},month = {January}}
[HWS12] C. J. Hawthorn, K. P. Weber, and R. E. Scholten. Book title. 1st edition. Volume 3. 2. City: Publisher, Jan. 2012, pages 123–200 (cited on page 6).
Are you sure your
file actually contains the full author list? Perhaps the software you are using to export it is adding the "et al" and not printing the full list of authors?Cheers,
Founder and administrator of LaTeXTemplates.com and LaTeXTypesetting.com
- Posts: 679
- Joined: Tue Mar 03, 2015 4:01 pm
bibliography - suppressing "et al" in author lists
Thanks, Vel
A clarification:
The following three author list works fine, but the five author list is consolidated into et al - which I am trying to prevent.
Any thoughts would be appreciated !
Best regards...
A clarification:
The following three author list works fine, but the five author list is consolidated into et al - which I am trying to prevent.
Code: Select all
@article{article_key2,address = {City},publisher = {Publisher},author = {Smith, James and George Washington and Abe Lincoln},title = {Article title},year = {2013},volume = {14},number = {6},pages = {1--8},month = {March}}@article{article_key3,address = {City},publisher = {Publisher},author = {Smith, James and George Washington and Abe Lincoln and John Adams and Andrew Jackson},title = {Article title},year = {2013},volume = {14},number = {6},pages = {1--8},month = {March}}
Any thoughts would be appreciated !
Best regards...
- Posts: 679
- Joined: Tue Mar 03, 2015 4:01 pm
bibliography - suppressing "et al" in author lists
Found the solution:
Put this in
and it works!
Best regards...
Found the solution:
(so there are 9 names in the bibs).Put this in
Code: Select all
% Bibliography\usepackage[style=alphabetic,sorting=nyt,sortcites=true,maxbibnames=9,autopunct=true,babel=hyphen,hyperref=true,abbreviate=false,backref=true,backend=biber]{biblatex}
Best regards...
Re: bibliography - suppressing "et al" in author lists
Hi Phil,
Excellent! I'm glad you found the fix and posted it here for anyone else who might have the sample problem.
Excellent! I'm glad you found the fix and posted it here for anyone else who might have the sample problem.
Founder and administrator of LaTeXTemplates.com and LaTeXTypesetting.com