I would like to change the paragraphs font, wich is Times Roman, for something more like the ones used in the titles and elsewhere.
Could someone please help me with this? I think some font similar to the titles font would be nicer for my thesis.
Theses, Books, Title pages ⇒ Changing Times Roman font?
Changing Times Roman font?
To change this font you just need to comment out
With regards to finding another font, I can't recommend this resource enough: http://www.tug.dk/FontCatalogue/ You'll find examples of fonts that come with most LaTeX distributions and how to include them in your document(s).
To change this font you just need to comment out
in main.tex
and replace it with another font.With regards to finding another font, I can't recommend this resource enough: http://www.tug.dk/FontCatalogue/ You'll find examples of fonts that come with most LaTeX distributions and how to include them in your document(s).
Founder and administrator of LaTeXTemplates.com and LaTeXTypesetting.com