Code: Select all
\msg_set:nnnn { acro } { undefined }
%{ You've~requested~acronym~`#1'~but~it~seems~that~it~was~never~defined! }
You've~requested~acronym~`#1'~\msg_line_context: \c_space_tl but~you~
Code: Select all
! acro error: "undefined"
! You've requested acronym `foo' but it seems that it was never defined!
! See the acro documentation for further information.
! For immediate help type H <return>.
l.55 \ac{foo}
| You've requested acronym `foo' on line 55 but you apparently haven't defined
| it, yet! Maybe you've misspelled it?
Code: Select all
* acro warning: "undefined"
* You've requested acronym `foo' on line 55 but you apparently haven't defined
* it, yet! Maybe you've misspelled it?
For a warning there is only one the following line viewed: "undefined". No package name, no additional text what this should mean.
It would be really helpful when one could select the details of the shown messages and when one error would be represented just as one error. And maybe the empty lines should be removed completely because this makes it very big.