Others-help Lyx

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-help Lyx

Post by Foxlord »


I have been trying to convert my MsWord docutments into a Lyx Format.
I succeded with one by opening it with Apache Open office and using the "writetolatex" extension to export the paper plus the references into a ".tex" file. Which i then opened in Lyx.
However with a second paper i tried the same procedure but i get an error in Lyx. Namely, when i try to "View" the file this message gets prompted:

LaTeX Error: Option clash for package babel.

The package babel has already been loaded with options:
There has now been an attempt to load it with options
Adding the global options:
to your \documentclass declaration may fix this.
Try typing <return> to proceed.

I tried to figure out what i did wrong but i have no clue.
Would be really gratefull if anybody could help me.
I guess its a very simple small thing to change but im only using Lyx for about 24h so im a pretty amateur.

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-help Lyx

Post by DanielDempster »

Hi! Have you tried LyXConverter? It's a Microsoft Word add-in.
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