GeneralTexnicCenter 2.02 and roaming profiles

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TexnicCenter 2.02 and roaming profiles

Post by dpr04747 »


My name is Denis Recendez. I work for the Information Technology Department at Pomona College.

I am currently assisting two faculty member with a problem they are encountering with TexnicCenter 2.02 and MiKTeX 2.9.5105.

I don't have much experience with either software package. But, I now know enough to know what a successful run of the software looks like. I don't know of the problem resides in TexnicCenter 2.02 or MiKTeX 2.9.5105.

Some details:
- One faculty member is using a Windows 8.1 64 bit workstation.
- The other is using a Windows 7 64 bit workstation.
- Both recently received new machines within the last month. Both workstations were setup in a manner that was not much different from the previous machines.
- The following problem didn't appear until they received their new workstations.

Through TexnicCenter 2.02 and MiKTeX 2.9.5105, they are attempting to create a PDF from a .TEX file.

However, when they go to 'Build current file' in TexnicCenter 2.0, they receive the following errors for 'Build Output':

---------------------- Output Profile: LaTex --> DVI ----------------------
latex> latex.exe: Invalid control sequence.
BibTeX> bibtex.exe: Invalid control sequence.
MakeIndex> makeindex: Invalid control sequence.

LaTeX-Result: 0 Error(s), 0 Warning(s), 0 Bad Box(s), 0 Page(s)
BibTex-Result: 0 Error(s), 0 Warning(s)

Here is the kicker.

It appears that TeXnicCenter encounters trouble running 'Build current file' command when logged into workstations using an account that has its My Document, Desktop and AppData (or Application Data) folders mapped to a location on a file server. Some may call this time of environment a roaming profile.

When logged into the very same workstations with a local profile account, TeXnicCenter encounters NO trouble running 'Build current file' command. The end result is the creation of a PDF from the original .TEX file, as expected.

Would you be able to help?

Thanks much -- Denis

Denis P. Recendez
Knowledge Manager & Client Services
Information Technology Services (ITS)
Pomona College

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Re: TexnicCenter 2.02 and roaming profiles

Post by Johannes_B »

If logged in to a remote account, can you run locally installed programs? Or are there duplicates on the server?

It seems that TeXnicCenter doesn't find the executables.

btw: You profiles compiles to DVI, you can use pdflatex instead generating a pdf directly (better hyperlink support).
The smart way: Calm down and take a deep breath, read posts and provided links attentively, try to understand and ask if necessary.
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