I have a long text with some Chinese characters. But some of them are "disappearing". These Chinese letters are coming by copy and paste from Internet. I put up a little example, in which one Chinese character is eaten in the pdf file after pdflatex test.tex
Included in this example is also a second question: I know how to make a special character with "breve" \u{o} - \u{a} but with an i it is working with the point on it. How to make a breve without the point?
Thank you for your help
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{\itshape ``china clay,''} 1727, from French {\itshape kaolin} (1712), from Chinese {\itshape Kao-ling} (
\end{CJK*}, pinyin\footnote{Pinyin (Chinese:
\end{CJK*}), formally Hanyu Pinyin (
\end{CJK*}), is the official phonetic system for transcribing the Mandarin pronunciations of Chinese characters into the Latin alphabet in China, Taiwan, and Singapore. It is often used to teach Standard Chinese and spell Chinese names in foreign publications and may be used as an input method to enter Chinese characters into computers.} G\={a}ol\u{i}ng), old-style transliteration of the name of a mountain in Jiangxi, China (near which it was originally dug up), from Chinese {\itshape gao ``high''} + {\itshape ling ``mountain, hill.''}