GeneralTexniccenter installation, paths for miktex

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Texniccenter installation, paths for miktex

Post by brlnd »


Why is it that Texniccenter can't automatigically find the binary paths for MikTeX? I installed MikTeX first, then Texniccenter, then I can't see why this does not happen. I have a vague memory of Texniccenter having done this some years ago when I tried.

I have observed this as a major obstacle for fresh students starting off with LaTeX.

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Texniccenter installation, paths for miktex

Post by localghost »

According to the announcement of the TeXnicCenter Beta 1 7.50 release this issue should be fixed [1]. Try a new configuration by starting the profile wizard in the lower left corner of the profiles dialogue (Alt+F7).

[1] TeXnicCenter 1 Beta 7.50 released

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Re: Texniccenter installation, paths for miktex

Post by brlnd »

Thanks for the reply. It was 7.50 beta I tried (installed today), so the bugfix apparently did not apply to me. Miktex 2.7 was installed in the standard location (also today), with 2.6 removed first (windows xp sp3).

The correct path (that it did not find) is: C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.7\miktex\bin

Edit: added path.
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