Fonts & Character SetsSteep accents over capitals in XeLaTeX

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Steep accents over capitals in XeLaTeX

Post by woj-k »

Hi everyone,

I am using XeLaTeX and Gentium Plus. I need to print lowercase-uppercase pairs of letters, some of which bear acute accents. However, acute accents are steeper on lowercase letters than they are on capitals. I understand why this is desirable in normal text, but in a table with the steep and shallow versions right next to each other, the output is rather lopsided. How can I force a particular instance of the accent to be steep over the capital?

Although I'm on XeLaTeX, for various reasons I would appreciate solutions with pure-ASCII source code (if such exist).

Code: Select all

\setmainfont{Gentium Plus}
\'C \'c

\'Z \'z etc.

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