BibTeX, biblatex and biberBiber subsystem error

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Biber subsystem error

Post by Pixer75 »

I am getting an error when trying to generate my bibliography (Biblatex and biber) in a file I have been working on for weeks. I work on both Mac (office) and Ubuntu (home). On my Ubuntu machine I can generate the bibliography; on my Mac I no longer can. The problem arouse suddenly last Tuesday, up to then I hadn't had any difficulty generating my bibliography. I tried updating my Tex Live but it still does not work. I provide here an example:

Code: Select all






\usepackage[colorlinks, allcolors=blue, breaklinks]{hyperref}


This is my example. I am citing \autocite[20]{McRobbie2009}.



This is the bibliography entry:

Code: Select all

  title = {The Aftermath of Feminism: Gender, Culture and Social Change},
  publisher = {Sage},
  year = {2009},
  author = {Angela McRobbie},
  address = {London},
  timestamp = {2010.11.01}
The error message I get is this:
INFO - This is Biber 1.6
INFO - Logfile is 'WorkingExample.blg'
INFO - Reading 'WorkingExample.bcf'
INFO - Found 1 citekeys in bib section 0
INFO - Processing section 0
INFO - Looking for bibtex format file '/Users/ifuchs/Documents/Work/Gender.bib' for section 0
INFO - Decoding LaTeX character macros into UTF-8
INFO - Found BibTeX data source '/Users/ifuchs/Documents/Work/Gender.bib'
WARN - Invalid or undefined BibTeX entry key in file '/var/folders/1t/gfg6lx791ds0hfh1hxskk8y40000gp/T/xDigi94GQ1/Gender.bib_585.utf8', skipping ...
ERROR - BibTeX subsystem: /var/folders/1t/gfg6lx791ds0hfh1hxskk8y40000gp/T/xDigi94GQ1/Gender.bib_585.utf8, line 3994, syntax error: found ",", expected one of: number, name (entry type, key, field, or macro name), end of entry ("}" or ")") or quoted string ({...} or "...")

Recommended reading 2024: • •
LaTeX Beginner's Guide LaTeX Cookbook LaTeX TikZ graphics TikZによるLaTeXグラフィックス
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