Fonts & Character Setshelp for greek fonts please

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help for greek fonts please

Post by alzyx »

I am really a newbie in the tex/latex world, and possibly from you POV even worse I use lyx to work in latex, but I really need some help...

Due to a fatal crash I had to reinstall my system and now I have a Fedora19 linux system, with the latest lyx and texlive versions.

My problem is that editing any (I use often greek letters in formulae) formerly working documents under lyx, I get:
Package fontenc Error: Encoding file 'lgrenc.def' not found
and in fact I see that the dir /usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/greek-fontenc/ is empty

But installing it by yum install yum install texlive-greek-fontenc.noarch, (and calling texhash, and doing reconfigure&exit&restart in lyx), although I now have the lgrenc.def file, the error becomes:

Code: Select all

LaTeX error: this NFSS system isnt set up properly
For encoding scheme LGR the defaults cmr/m/n do not form a valid font shape
The system maintainer forgot to specify a suitable substitution font shape usin
g the DeclareErrorFont command
followed by many errors:
corrupted NFSS tables
in the presence of the \textgreek{m} command

can you help me please?

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