LyXError message: nomenclature

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Error message: nomenclature

Post by thowi »

Hi all together,

after adding a few lines of normal Text (as you can see in the background of the screenshot) I get this error message shown in the foreground window.
I'm afraid I can't send you a minimal example for reproducing the error because if I delete some text, the error is gone.
I don't see any problems in my new text which doesn't use any nomenclature entries - so can you imagine what happens here?
Because a minimal example is not possible: Can I give you some more information on the error? I also attached the full log - maybe that helps.

I would be happy to hear from you!


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Error message: nomenclature

Post by Johannes_B »

It's hard to tell from just seeing the screenshot, i could only guess, that you used some nomenclatrue commands in the caption of the picture, but -- as i said, just guessing.

There is one possibility: Exporting the Lyx-document to a tex file and making a minimal example the normal way (english, german).

There are also some warnings in your log, you should take a look at them.
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Re: Error message: nomenclature

Post by thowi »

Hi Johannes

Thanks for your quick reply! My problem is that I can't figure out the problematic position in my document.
Is there any possibility where I can get a full list of nomenclature entries viewable in LyX? Or do I need to export into tex file and then search for \item?
You could possibly be right - maybe there are some errors in my nomenclature. I'm just wondering why I can compile - then write some lines plain text without any further nomenclature and after that compiling is not possible any more. If I delete them, compiling is working again :o :shock: really strange.

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Error message: nomenclature

Post by Johannes_B »

I am not familiar with LyX, may minimal example could help.

I am not as familiar with acronym and nomenclature packagees as i could be, so i can only just guessing.

But still, seeing an exported example will be easier to debug for us.
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Error message: nomenclature

Post by thowi »

Hi Johannes

I just deleted all content from my document but the nomenclature entries.
When compiling, you will now get error bessages because of one missing folder, but I left it in on purpose to change as little as possible so I won't delete the problematic part :D

I hope that file helps! Maybe something little went wrong somewhere....


One further information: If I do not print the nomenclature e.g. at the bottom of my document I don't have any problems. Just if I'd like to add this index to my document I get those error messages.
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