Hi everyone,
I recently switched from Windows to Linux (Ubuntu 13.10). I have used miktex and texlipse on windows.
I installed eclipse and texlive via the Ubuntu Software center. Then I compiled my texlipse project and the error:
LaTeX Error: File `formula.sty' not found.
Then I installed texlive-latex-extra and texlive-science, but nothing changed.
Afterwards I created a new folder:
and added the formula.sty file, that I found on a file share site.
That didn't work, too.
Finally I installed texlive-full, but that also had no effect.
I googled for solutions but found nothing helpful and I searched for formula.sty here in the forum and got nothing that worked, too.
Can anyone help me with this problem?
Thanks for your support!
PS: I commented out the formula package and got the same error for the ulsy package, too.
TeX Live and MacTeX ⇒ No formula.sty
No formula.sty
A few remarks that might help fix your problem:
- You can download both packages from CTAN: formula, ulsy.
- Did you try placing the sty file in your project directory?
- If you install a new package, you'll have to update the source tree
- To see if the formula package is installed try:
Code: Select all
tlmgr list --only-installed | grep 'formula'
No formula.sty
Thanks for your answer tom,
I removed texlive via.
Then I used this script http://www.latex-community.org/forum/vi ... 12&t=23749 to install TeX Live 2013.
After that I installed some packages manually as described in your cited post.
I hope I won't face any further problems.
Thanks again and kind regards,
I removed texlive via
Code: Select all
sudo apt-get purge texlive*
Then I used this script http://www.latex-community.org/forum/vi ... 12&t=23749 to install TeX Live 2013.
After that I installed some packages manually as described in your cited post.
I hope I won't face any further problems.
Thanks again and kind regards,
- Johannes_B
- Site Moderator
- Posts: 4182
- Joined: Thu Nov 01, 2012 4:08 pm
No formula.sty
If you have used Scotts scripts, a complete and full TeX Live should have been installed, alse the tex live manager (tlmgr). The tlmgr is a facility to keep your installation up-to-date.
There should be no need to install debian packagaes.
I just noticed, that these packages are not included in TeX Live. Are you really using those packages?
There should be modern alternatives, for example, looks like acro should do the same job as formula.
There should be no need to install debian packagaes.
I just noticed, that these packages are not included in TeX Live. Are you really using those packages?
There should be modern alternatives, for example, looks like acro should do the same job as formula.
The smart way: Calm down and take a deep breath, read posts and provided links attentively, try to understand and ask if necessary.
Re: No formula.sty
I have to use the template of my institute and there are both packages included (formula and ulsy). But if I get the same result with acro, then I can replace those two.
How can I verify that I get the same result? To be honest, I don't know what these packages do...
How can I verify that I get the same result? To be honest, I don't know what these packages do...
- Johannes_B
- Site Moderator
- Posts: 4182
- Joined: Thu Nov 01, 2012 4:08 pm
Re: No formula.sty
If you don't know what these packages do, then the chance is pretty high, that you are not using them.
There are packages, that do something just by including them (usepackage).
Other packages give you some macros, that you have to use in order to see the result.
As a hint: Uncomment those packages (put a % in front) and compile. If nothing happens (well, no complains by LaTeX), then you are not using those packages and can just go on without worrying.
There are packages, that do something just by including them (usepackage).
Other packages give you some macros, that you have to use in order to see the result.
As a hint: Uncomment those packages (put a % in front) and compile. If nothing happens (well, no complains by LaTeX), then you are not using those packages and can just go on without worrying.
The smart way: Calm down and take a deep breath, read posts and provided links attentively, try to understand and ask if necessary.
Re: No formula.sty
Thank you,
commenting those two packages changed nothing and no error was thrown...
Looks quite good now!
commenting those two packages changed nothing and no error was thrown...
Looks quite good now!