Generalbeta version of text file is not open correctly in stable ve

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beta version of text file is not open correctly in stable ve

Post by HMR »

Hello All,

I am using 2.02 stable (64bit) texnic center and my supervisor is using 2.0 Beta 1 Texnic center. When I tried to open any .tex file from my supervisor (which he created by 2.0 Beta 1 Texnic center), with my versions then I found a lots of unnecessary text with symbols are come along with original text. It makes life difficult as I have to clean one by one from this text.I don't know how to resolve this problem. It will be great if anyone help me in this regards.

I attach a screen shot of this problem
screenshot.png (26.76 KiB) Viewed 3149 times
Screenshot (the same in tif format)
Screenshot (the same in tif format)
Untitled.tif (116.48 KiB) Viewed 3291 times
Last edited by Stefan Kottwitz on Sun Jan 12, 2014 8:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: png format added

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beta version of text file is not open correctly in stable ve

Post by cgnieder »


Welcome to the LaTeX community!

This looks like the end of line character (0x0A, Newline - Wikipedia) is somehow converted into other characters. Have you checked that you open the files in the correct input encoding (utf8, iso-8859-1,...)?

site moderator & package author
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