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Journal Template

Post by mayankmi »

Can anyone help me to give me suggestions on how to start a journal template from scratch. I need to write a template for Journal since they have not provided me Latex file. The page also includes 2 logo in 1st page. I am not asking anyone to write this but just give me suggestions on where I can find some samples.
Screen Shot 2013-11-11 at 17.29.29.png
Screen Shot 2013-11-11 at 17.29.29.png (46.99 KiB) Viewed 15378 times

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Re: Journal Template

Post by Xavier_B »

Try finding on the internet some journal templates. In google try: "Scitepress latex". MSOM Latex is another. Or try Elsevier's template. Mathermatics of Operations Research also has one abbreviated as MOR (type in gooogle: Mathematics Operations Research latex )

Hope this helps!
Good luck.
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Journal Template

Post by localghost »

To questions like this I would actually suggest to use this class or load this package. Lucky that I have two partly solutions in my archive from similar questions in other forums which I only had to merge for this request here. So, let's have a look at how this approach works.
  • The title of the document is customized by the titling package. It allows to add the head with the two logos and the announcement of the event.
  • Some minor adjustments to the abstract are done by the abstract package (surprise!). The abstract heading is no longer above the abstract itself.
  • Multiple authors with corresponding affiliations are facilitated by the authblk package.
The complete template could look like this.

Code: Select all


\usepackage{blindtext}  % not for use in actual document

\title{Title of the Article}
\author[1]{Author A\thanks{}}
\author[1]{Author B}
\author[1]{Author C}
\author[2]{Author D}
\author[2]{Author E}
\affil[1]{Department of Typography, \LaTeX\ University}
\affil[2]{Department of Templates, \LaTeX\ University}

%   \setlength{\topsep}{\medskipamount}

\renewcommand\Authands{\textnormal{ and }}

\setlength{\droptitle}{-60pt}   % Balance the default skip before title (60pt)
\addtolength{\droptitle}{-1cm}  % Shift the head a bit into the top margin

      \nth{35} International \LaTeX\ Conference 2013 in \ldots

    } % end of parbox
  } % end of makebox


    \blindtext  % not for use in actual document
      A comma separated list of keywords goes here


  \blinddocument  % not for use in actual document
For details about the involved packages please refer to the corresponding manuals.

  • The load sequence of titling and authblk is important. Swapping them would let the compilation fail.
  • The used image files are available with the mwe package installed in the TeX system.
  • The type area (187mm×282mm) mentioned in the screen capture is more than questionable, even on an A4 page.

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Re: Journal Template

Post by mayankmi »

Thank you very much. I got the starting point now.. I will start working on this template.. :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea:
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Journal Template

Post by mayankmi »

I'm having some problem to set the footnotes as specified in the journal. I have attached my code and snapshot of footnote type.

Code: Select all

\usepackage{url} %for inserting hyper links
\usepackage{array} % one of package needed for table centering with fixed width



\fancyhead[LO,LE]{Author(s) Name}
\fancyfoot[RE] {\nth{9} International Masonry Conference, Guimar\~{a}es 2014}
\fancyfoot[LE] {\thepage}

\fancyfoot[RO] {\thepage}
\fancyfoot[LO] {\nth{9} International Masonry Conference, Guimar\~{a}es 2014}

% spacing for footnotes


\usepackage[singlelinecheck=off]{caption} % for left aligned caption

\usepackage[format=hang,labelfont=bf]{caption} %bold caption
\usepackage{xcolor} %for color


    LASTNAME1, FIRST NAME1\footnote{Title of 1$^{st}$ Author, Organisation, Department, E-mail address}; LASTNAME2, FIRST NAME2\footnote{Title of 2$^{nd}$ Author, Organisation, Department, E-mail address}


%   \setlength{\topsep}{\medskipamount}

\renewcommand\Authands{\textnormal{ and }}

\setlength{\droptitle}{-60pt}   % Balance the default skip before title (60pt)
\addtolength{\droptitle}{-1cm}  % Shift the head a bit into the top margin

      \nth{9} International Masonry Conference 2014 in Guimar\~{a}es

    } % end of parbox
  } % end of makebox

\renewcommand{\refname}{REFERENCES} % to capitalize references

% to custamize 1st title page according to journal
    \fancyfoot[L]{\nth{9} International Masonry Conference, Guimar\~{a}es 2014}



{\textit{Keywords:}} keyword A, keyword B,...

$A_m$ cross section;
The text should fit exactly into the type area of 187 x 272 mm. For correct settings of margins in the Page Setup dialog box (File menu). It is allowable a maximum of 12 pages for the paper.

\section{HEADING 1}
\subsection{Heading 2}
((Use cross references to literature, formulae, figures and tables, i.e. \cite{8}).
((Copy the template and insert it in your final paper at the relevant place.))
\begin {table}[h]
\caption {Parameters for the model} \label{tab:Parameters for the model} 
    \begin{tabular}{ | p{13cm} | >{\centering\arraybackslash}m{1.5cm} |}
    \textbf{Material} & \textbf{No}\\ \hline
    Masonry & xx  \\
\end {table}

Copy the template and insert it in your final paper at the relevant place.

\textbf{Figure 1.} Caption


\renewcommand{\bibpreamble}{((Use the relevant examples, overwrite it and delete the others.))}
Brebbia, C.A.; Telles, J.C.F. \& Wrobel, L.C.: \textit{Boundary Element Techniques}, Springer-Verlag: Berlin and New York 1984.

J\"{a}ger, W. \& Pohle, F.: Numerical analysis of normal stress in non-Newtonian boundary layerflow. \textit{Engineering Analysis}, 6 (2002) 1, 20-25.  
Nardini, D. \& Brebbia, C.A.: Boundary element integral formulation of mass matrices for dynamic analysis, Chapter 7. In: \textit{Topics in Boundary Element Research, ed.} C.A. Brebbia, Vol. 2, Springer-Verlag: Berlin and New York 1985, 191-207.  

Brebbia, C.A. \& Aliabadi, M.H. (eds.): \textit{Industrial Applications of the Boundary Element Method}, Computational Mechanics Publications: Southampton and Boston 1993.  

Funke, E.R.: Laboratory experimental studies controlled by mini and micro-computers. In: \textit{Proc. of the 1st Int. Conf. on Hydraulic Engineering Software}, eds. C.A. Brebbia, C. Maksimovic \& M. Radojkowic, Elsevier: Amsterdam 1984, 1-26.

Schubert, P.; Metzmacher, H.: Zur Biegezugfestigkeit von Mauerwerk. \textit{Mauerwerk- Kalender} \underline{11} (1986). Ed. P. Funk. Ernst und Sohn: Berlin, 699-684.  
BS 5628-1: 1992-12: \textit{Code of practice for use of masonry.} Structural use of unreinfroced masonry. British Standard Institution: London Dec. 1992.  

Louren\c{c}o, P. B. B.: \textit{Computational strategies for masonry structures.} PhD-Thesis, Delft University of Technology, 1996. Delft University Press: Delft 1996.

Louren\c{c}o, P. B.: \textit{An anisotropic macro-model for masonry plates and shells: Implementation and validation.} Research report: Delft University of Technology, faculty of Civil engineering report no. in collaboration with University of Minho, Department of Civil Engineering and TNO Building and Construction Research, Computational Mechanics report no. 97-NM-R0564. Unpublished. Delft February 1997.
Gunkler, E.; Graubner, C.-A. \& J\"{a}ger, W.: \textit{Limitation of the shear force by $V_{Rd,max}$ (pr$EN$ 1996-1- 1, Eq. 6.53) for reinforced masonry.} Hands on material for the meeting of CEN TC 250/SC 6 in Brussels on 2/3 December 2002. Dresden University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Chair of Structural Design: Dresden 01.12.2002.

\href{}{\color{blue}\underline{}}, website of the Faculty of Architecture of TU Dresden, 2006.


Template of Journal
Template of Journal
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Journal Template

Post by localghost »

And you couldn't provide a screen capture of the complete first page right at the beginning? This upsets my original concept completely and makes authblk superfluous. At the moment I have no idea how to customize the footnotes produced by \thanks without interfering the footnotes of the document.
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¹ System: openSUSE 42.2 (Linux 4.4.52), TeX Live 2016 (vanilla), TeXworks 0.6.1
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Re: Journal Template

Post by mayankmi »

Yes, i am sorry. I just thought that footnotes can be reset by counter and it will work but I tried and it doesn't work. I didn't provide full snapshot as people may think I want them to make full template. It was so kind of you to provide a very good code for starting work. Yes, some things in this I did in wrong way like abstract I didn't use environment.
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