GeneralBlurred graphics...a known problem?

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Blurred graphics...a known problem?

Post by Reset »

Ok I use Miketex with Texnicscenter and writing a lot in Latex. But some graphics are unsharp, not clear. My document output type is Latex->pdf, I use the graphicx package and the \includegraphics command.

The problem is widespread via google but I cannot find a solution. Some people saying convert it to eps, which is holy nonesense when using pdf output. Other say it is caused by the PDF-Reader, not Latex itsself. I tried Adobe 8 and gsview...

I have made a screenshot (picture 1): On the left side there is the origin and on the right side the no scaled included png graphic. I also tried other datatypes like bmp, jpg and printed the pictures also as pdf. When I print the file using FreePDF Printer I have the same problem. The picture is wrong scaled.

I tried to scale the picture to stretch it using a scalefactor like scale=1.08 which works more or less. A professional solution would be better. The thing is: Some graphics are clear, others not.

I tried also: -> \includegraphics with bounding box parameters
-> various datatypes
-> \includegraphics with scale=1.00
-> \includegraphics with scale=1.08
-> \includegraphics with \noautoscale

It is obviously that pdf printer and latex change the width height ratio. (see picture 2)

Big thx for help !!!
(9.12 KiB) Downloaded 387 times
fuzzy latex pics noscale.png
fuzzy latex pics noscale.png (47.46 KiB) Viewed 6138 times

Recommended reading 2024: • •
LaTeX Beginner's Guide LaTeX Cookbook LaTeX TikZ graphics TikZによるLaTeXグラフィックス
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Re: Blurred graphics...a known problem?

Post by Sebi »

You could give the wmf2eps printer a try, and save as .ps
Then, convert it to .eps with ghostscript, and then to .pdf with eps2pdf.

However, I think your main problem is that screenshots are bitmap graphics. When you print, for example, Visio graphics and use wmf2eps, the resulting .ps file consists of a vector graphics, which scales nicely.
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Joined: Thu Apr 26, 2007 1:20 pm

Blurred graphics...a known problem?

Post by Reset »

However, I think your main problem is that screenshots are bitmap graphics. When you print, for example, Visio graphics and use wmf2eps, the resulting .ps file consists of a vector graphics, which scales nicely.

Thx. I printed everything and all pictures are fine without converting anything to *.eps. PDF works fine. The question is, it is possible to optimze the latex output for normal screen view because printing is more seldom.
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