GeneralName Seperator (IF conditon for \def)

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Name Seperator (IF conditon for \def)

Post by SathishV »

Hi Forum,

I am new to Latex, just a Beginner, Basically a perl developer,

I have created a latex file

Code: Select all


\cont{\iname{\isurname{Name1}\ifname{K. C. G.}}\iname{\isurname{Name11}\ifname{Y. Q.}}\iname{\isurname{Name111}\ifname{C.-Z.}}\ititles{Some title Text}\ipage{995}}

Now my need is to define the latex commands, and the display should come as the below

Name1 K. C. G., Name11 Y. Q. and Name111 C.-Z. Some title Text - 995.

\iname - Person Name will repeat several times
\isurname - Surname of a person
\ifname - First Name of a person

\iname will repeat any number of times, say 1 to ...

If only one \iname found inside \cont, display should be like the below
Name1 K. C. G. Some title Text - 995.

If only two \iname found inside \cont, display should be like the below
Name1 K. C. G. and Name11 Y. Q. Some title Text - 995.

If more than two \iname found inside \cont, display should be like the below (and should come after last \iname)
Name1 K. C. G., Name11 Y. Q. and Name111 C.-Z. Some title Text - 995.

I can able to define for \iname seperated by comma, but i don't know how to write a macro to define \iname with different outputs based on the if condition,

Is it possible to define that, i am totally a beginner for latex, please guide me

Thanks & Regards
Sathish V.
Last edited by cgnieder on Wed Sep 18, 2013 11:04 am, edited 1 time in total.

Recommended reading 2024: • •
LaTeX Beginner's Guide LaTeX Cookbook LaTeX TikZ graphics TikZによるLaTeXグラフィックス
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Name Seperator (IF conditon for \def)

Post by cgnieder »

I have a feeling you're trying to reinvent the wheel, namely a bibliography. There already are many powerful solutions for this. Nevertheless, for the fun of it here is one possibility. I tried to add comments that hopefully explain what the code does:

Code: Select all

% useful LaTeX programming tools:
% make @ behave like a letter:
% an internal list:
% raise an error if \iname is used outside \cont:
        {\string\iname\space used outside of \string\cont!}
          You cannot use \string\iname\space outside of \string\cont!
          Check your code.%
% add name to internal list and print list of no further name follows:
% counters for comparison:
% print the list:
  % determine the total number of names:
  % its just one name? Print it. Else add the appropriate separators:
  % clear list:
  % a total of two names:
      % add ` and ' between names:
        {#1 and }%
      % three or more names: add a `, ' between names and `, and ' between the
      % last two:
        {#1, and }
            {#1, }%

% make @ an other character again:


\cont{\iname{First Name}}

\cont{\iname{First Name}\iname{Second Name}}

\cont{\iname{First Name}\iname{Second Name}\iname{Third Name}}

\cont{\iname{First Name}\iname{Second Name}\iname{Third Name}\iname{Fourth Name}}

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Name Seperator (IF conditon for \def)

Post by cgnieder »

Please always give a link if you cross-post such as this one on Our board rules clearly state this!
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