Kilesuddenly won't compile

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suddenly won't compile

Post by tcm »


I am using kile with texlive2013. And suddenly when i press xelatex nothing happens(no errors warnings...). then i tried pdflatex but nothing. I have no output pdf file anymore and the log and messages section only shows

Code: Select all

[XeLatex] myfile.tex=>myfile.pdf(xelatex)
then i went to the console and type

Code: Select all

xelatex myfile.tex
there was a log output now but still no pdf.

i attached the new and an old log file for comparison.

thank you

i searched for an answer but nothing.
old log
(40.05 KiB) Downloaded 918 times
new log
(40 KiB) Downloaded 992 times

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suddenly won't compile

Post by mas »

Your lognew.log file has this

Code: Select all


] (./ΚΕΦΑΛΑΙΟ1.lot
Runaway argument?
{\numberline {3.5}{\ignorespaces \relax \fontsize {10.95}{13.6}\selectfont \ETC
! Paragraph ended before \@dottedtocline was complete.
<to be read again> 
l.9 ...ak or <return> to continue without it.}\par
                                                   \let \reserved@d = *\def ...
I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this
control sequence to too much text. How can we recover?
My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best.

! Missing { inserted.
l.9 ...ut it.}\par \let \reserved@d = *\def \par }
Where was the left brace? You said something like `\def\a}',
which I'm going to interpret as `\def\a{}'.

! Extra }, or forgotten \endgroup.
l.9 ...t it.}\par \let \reserved@d = *\def \
My suspicion is that there is some problem while inserting the lot file. Why don't you try a minimal file and check? Alternately, clear the aux, lof, lot, toc files and check again in (better in a console).

OS: Debian/GNU Linux; LaTeX System : TeXLive; Editor : Vim
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Re: suddenly won't compile

Post by tcm »

thank you. i deleted everything and did save us again and it worked.

I have two question, using the console to build is different from the menu icon?

I have 30 badboxes and 7 warnings which i ignore them. Should i pay attention and fix them?

thank tou
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suddenly won't compile

Post by mas »

tcm wrote:thank you. i deleted everything and did save us again and it worked.
Glad that it worked.
I have two question, using the console to build is different from the menu icon?
No. They are identical. Kile calls the needed programs.
I have 30 badboxes and 7 warnings which i ignore them. Should i pay attention and fix them?
You should *always* pay attention to the warnings and correct the Overfull boxes, especially. To help in the latter, you can use

Code: Select all

With the draft option, the overfull bad boxes appear as black boxes in the output to help you in correcting the problems.

Remove the draft option, once everything is finalised and you see no warnings/errors.

OS: Debian/GNU Linux; LaTeX System : TeXLive; Editor : Vim
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suddenly won't compile

Post by cgnieder »

mas wrote:
I have 30 badboxes and 7 warnings which i ignore them. Should i pay attention and fix them?
You should *always* pay attention to the warnings and correct the Overfull boxes, especially. To help in the latter, you can use

Code: Select all

With the draft option, the overfull bad boxes appear as black boxes in the output to help you in correcting the problems.

Remove the draft option, once everything is finalised and you see no warnings/errors.
I completely agree. Just wanted to point out a post with a little background to these overfull/underfull boxes: ... 45&t=23050

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