BibTeX, biblatex and biberName Order in Biblography Entry

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Name Order in Biblography Entry

Post by amiruw »

Hello All,

With the following document class:

Code: Select all

and the following bib file and style:

Code: Select all

and using the natbib package, I had some problems with my references; for example, some of them were shown as “?” in the body of the text.

The problem got fixed by changing the style to the following:

Code: Select all

Everything is perfect except for the order of the authors’ names. Thus, I have the following order:

First Name, Family Name, Title Vol (Number), (Year) Pages.

but I need to have Family names coming first so that I can have all the names alphabetically ordered. I am wondering if there are any changes that I can make to have this implemented based on the same document class (i.e., report) and bibliography style (i.e., elsarticle-num-names).

I also tried other bibliography styles but no perfect fix. For example, based on:

Code: Select all

Everything is fine but the URLs are not shown in the reference list. For example, everything related to the following item is shown except for the URL:

Code: Select all

  author = {{Latex Community}},
  month = {August},
  year = {2013},
  title = {{Description of a Reference Problem}},
  note = {Accessed August 2011},
  url = {},
Thanks in advance,

Last edited by cgnieder on Thu Aug 15, 2013 2:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Name Order in Biblography Entry

Post by thopter_master »

It is kinda strange to fall into the same problem after 14 years, but I have recently helped someone solved this problem.

The user document of "elsarticle" mentioned :

> In addition to the above standard .bst files, there are 10 journal-
> specific .bst files also available. Instruction for using these .bst files can
> be found at

And I believe that the one named "model1b-num-names" is what you were searching.

Hopefully it is not too late ;-)
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