Page LayoutDifferent spacing between section number and its caption TOC

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Different spacing between section number and its caption TOC

Post by will_flp »


I want to use two different spacing between section number and its caption in the Table of Contents (TOC)

I already have tried the solutions: ... -alignment ... or-the-toc

But I think they are not suitable.

Well the minimal example is:

Code: Select all


\hypersetup{linkcolor=red,citecolor=blue,filecolor=blue,urlcolor=blue} %Colorful


%%% Configure de distance


\chapter{Hardware Data} \label{chap.hardware}


\section{Test section one}
\subsection{test section one one}
\subsection{test section one two}

\section{Test section two}
\subsection{test section two one}
\subsection{test section two two}

%%%% Appendix

\chapter{Appendix Test Chapter}

\section{Test Section}

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Annex:



\chapter{Annex Test Chapter}

\section{Test Section}

Wich results in the figure below, depending on



Well, in the Annex I want more space, but I also want to keep the smaller spacing for the sections in the regular chapters.

Does anyone have a clue and/or can help ?

Thanks a lot !


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Different spacing between section number and its caption TOC

Post by will_flp »

For the record, here is the link to the crosspost in Tex Stackexchange.

Moreover, below you find the answer suggested by Werner.
The process might be somewhat counter-intuitive, but you need to insert the spacing changes mid-document for it to have a partial effect in the ToC. The reason for this is because of the entire .toc file is read during a call to \tableofcontents. Therefore, changing anything prior to that (in the preamble, for example), will have an effect on the entire ToC. The solution is to add


just after you initiate the Appendix. Since you're adding stuff to the ToC, results will only be visible upon the second compile (see the example below).

Code: Select all


\hypersetup{linkcolor=red,citecolor=blue,filecolor=blue,urlcolor=blue} %Colorful



\chapter{Hardware Data} \label{chap.hardware}


\section{Test section one}
\subsection{test section one one}
\subsection{test section one two}

\section{Test section two}
\subsection{test section two one}
\subsection{test section two two}

%%%% Appendix

%%% Configure de distance

\chapter{Appendix Test Chapter}

\section{Test Section}

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Annex:



\chapter{Annex Test Chapter}

\section{Test Section}

Last edited by will_flp on Thu Jul 08, 2021 2:52 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Ijon Tichy
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Different spacing between section number and its caption TOC

Post by Ijon Tichy »

You should not and need not use tocloft with a KOMA-Script class.

Code: Select all

\documentclass[a4paper,12pt,twoside]{scrreprt}% BTW: a4paper is the default.

linkcolor=red,citecolor=blue,filecolor=blue,urlcolor=blue} %Colorful

% Additional appendix stuff.


\chapter{Hardware Data} \label{chap.hardware}


\section{Test section one}
\subsection{test section one one}
\subsection{test section one two}

\section{Test section two}
\subsection{test section two one}
\subsection{test section two two}

%%%% Appendix
\addchap{Appendix}% Wouldn'nt \addpart be better?

\chapter{Appendix Test Chapter}

\section{Test Section}

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Annex:



\chapter{Annex Test Chapter}

\section{Test Section}

See the KOMA-Script manual for more information about \DeclareTOCStyleEntry.
Sorry, but I can no longer participate here as the administrator is trampling on my wishes on one of his other platforms. :cry:
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