I want to use two different spacing between section number and its caption in the Table of Contents (TOC)
I already have tried the solutions:
http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/ ... -alignment
http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/ ... or-the-toc
But I think they are not suitable.
Well the minimal example is:
Code: Select all
\hypersetup{linkcolor=red,citecolor=blue,filecolor=blue,urlcolor=blue} %Colorful
%%% Configure de distance
\chapter{Hardware Data} \label{chap.hardware}
\section{Test section one}
\subsection{test section one one}
\subsection{test section one two}
\section{Test section two}
\subsection{test section two one}
\subsection{test section two two}
%%%% Appendix
\chapter{Appendix Test Chapter}
\section{Test Section}
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Annex:
\chapter{Annex Test Chapter}
\section{Test Section}

Well, in the Annex I want more space, but I also want to keep the smaller spacing for the sections in the regular chapters.
Does anyone have a clue and/or can help ?
Thanks a lot !