TeX Live and MacTeXError after last TeX File closed

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Error after last TeX File closed

Post by 5au1 »


In TeX Live 2012 (installed from the DVD, not from the repositories) I've been struggling to change the fonts. First I had a problem with updmap-sys which was solved by reinstalling the "fonts-recommended" and "fonts-extra" collections. That solved the problem in LaTeX, however with XeTeX and fontspec I still have problems.

When trying to compile the "fontspec-example" file that comes with the package I get the following error.

Code: Select all

TeX-error: Error occurred after last TeX file closed
If I comment the font specification in the preamble no error is reported.

Code: Select all

%\setmainfont[Ligatures=TeX]{TeX Gyre Pagella}
%\setsansfont[Ligatures=TeX,Scale=MatchLowercase]{TeX Gyre Heros}
I tried to re-install the "xetex-collection" and the fontspec package but the error persists.

Recommended reading 2024:

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Error after last TeX File closed

Post by 5au1 »

The problem was that some packages went corrupt during a previous update. I got to this conclusion after done this.
  1. Installing TeX Live again (without removing the old installation),
  2. Testing if the file could be compiled correctly,
  3. Backing up the packages,
  4. Activating the old TeX Live installation and restoring it with the backup from the new one, and
  5. Compiling the file again.
Now which packages went corrupt remains unknown because, before installing TeX Live again, I removed and reinstalled those collection/packages that might be causing the problem (that is collection-fontsextra, collection-fontsrecommended, l3kernel, l3packages and fontspec) and the error persisted.

What bugs me a little is that I don't recall seeing an error message during any of the previous updates besides this one.

Code: Select all

permanent server connection set up, but downloading did not
succeed! Retrying with wget.
I assumed this was corrected since the installation/update continued. Furthermore, although the tlmgr's log file reports a failure during the installation of these packages, on a posterior date the packages appeared as updated.

Another odd thing is that, in the old installation, the file "texlive-fontconfig.conf" (which is needed by XeTeX, see the TeX Live manual, p15) was missing, in fact the were no cache and configuration folders within TEXMFSYSVAR/fonts/

Well, I hope this might help someone with a similar problem.
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Joined: Wed May 01, 2013 11:14 pm

Error after last TeX File closed

Post by 5au1 »

By the time I post this thread I didn't realize that, in fact, I had two problems, the first was a corrupted installation (most probably due to a less than optimal Internet service). The second was how emacs/auctex reported the errors in a tex file. Despite the error type the message I always got was:

Code: Select all

Error after last TeX File closed
Luckily I found these two posts:
http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-a ... 00018.html
where a solution is given, that is to make the following like look like this:

Code: Select all

file_line_error_style = t
Hope it would help someone

P.S. In my system there were no 95NonPath.cnf file but texmf.cnf within /usr/local/texlive/texmf/web2c/
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