GeneralProblem using conditionals inside tabular & changing columns

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Problem using conditionals inside tabular & changing columns

Post by EmilioLazo »


I wrote this code to expose the issue I'm facing:

Code: Select all


 \newcommand{\Item}{\if@test t&t&t&t \else 21&22&23&24 \fi}

11 & 12 & 13 & 14 \\
I would expect that if option 'test' is supplied to the class, a row with one 't' in every cell will be written, and nothing more; but it isn't the case, the 'else' condition is also evaluated. (?)

The errors were:
! Incomplete \iftrue; all text was ignored after line 12.
! Extra alignment tab has been changed to \cr
! Extra \fi.
! Missing \cr inserted.

The problem here is the presence of '&' inside \if conditional, but with ifthen or etoolbox the issue disappears:

Code: Select all



 \newif\if@test \@testfalse
 \newcommand{\Item}{\if@test t&t&t&t \else 21&22&23&24 \fi}

11 & 12 & 13 & 14 \\
\Item \\
\ItemI \\
What is happening here? How this can be fixed using \if@test-construct? I did try inserting braces for both 'then' and 'else', and the whole \if inside braces but nothing changes!


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