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author={Dang, D.Q. and Wang, Y. and Cai, W.},
booktitle={Control and Automation, 2009. ICCA 2009. IEEE International Conference on},
title={A multi-objective optimal nonlinear control of variable speed wind turbine},
keywords={control system synthesis;linear quadratic control;nonlinear control systems;optimal control;power generation control;predictive control;wind turbines;Tip-Speed-Ratio;control design;linear quadratic Gaussian;mechanical electrical system;multiobjective optimal nonlinear control;multiobjectives synthesis;nonlinear model predictive control;variable speed wind turbine;wind energy conversion system;Aerodynamics;Control design;Control systems;Electric variables control;Mechanical variables control;Nonlinear dynamical systems;Optimal control;Power system modeling;Wind speed;Wind turbines;Multi-objective;Nonlinear model predictive control (NMPC)…etc;Wind turbine control},
—, “A multi-objective optimal nonlinear control of variable speed wind turbine,” in Control and Automation, 2009. ICCA 2009. IEEE International Conference on, Dec., pp. 17–22