Math & SciencePosition of Limits for Triple Integral

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Position of Limits for Triple Integral

Post by elistein »


I am trying to make a triple integral using \iiint from amsmath. The problem is that the limits aren't centering properly. Here is my code.

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    \iiint \limits_0^{\infty} \frac{\lambda p}{\nu (\mu + \delta)}
The 0 appears centered, as it should. The infinity sign, however, is over the leftmost integral operator -- not centered. How can I get it to be centered?

Thank you!

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Position of Limits for Triple Integral

Post by Juanjo »

A quick fix: add manually some space, writing something like \iiint_0^{\hspace{6pt}\infty}. Anyway, are you sure you need this notation? For me, this is the first time I see something above the triple integral sign.
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Position of Limits for Triple Integral

Post by shadgrind »

Maybe you've found a bug in the default Computer Modern math font package. Because if you switch to a different math font package, like txfonts or fourier, the infinity sign is centered along the top:
iiint.png (16.75 KiB) Viewed 10051 times
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