Text FormattingBibliography Items numbered in Order of Citations

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Bibliography Items numbered in Order of Citations

Post by angeloulivieri »

Hi all,

how can order let the number of citations be such that they are subsequent as they are used?

In example:
I'm coming from my home [1] and going to their place [2]... etc.
The default order of numbers is given by the list you inserted in the bibliography file.

My bibliography file is done in this way and saved as "biblio.tex".

Code: Select all

  \bibitem{randomWalk} F. Angiulli, E. Cesario, C. Pizzuti \textit{Random walk clustering for data} Elsevier - Information Sciences 178 (2008) 1479-1497
  \bibitem{stefanBleuler} Stefan Bleuler \textit{Search heuristic for module identification from biological high-throughput data} Doctoral Thesis - 2007
And I used it with \include{biblio} in my source.tex file.

Please help me

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Bibliography Items numbered in Order of Citations

Post by Juanjo »

Since you are manually writing the {thebibliography} environment, you should sort references by yourself. If you move to BibTeX, then this can be achieved automatically by using a suitable bibliographic style like unsrt.
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