GeneralInserting a backslash along with greek text.

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Inserting a backslash along with greek text.

Post by Zoi »

Hi LaTeX community! Glad I found you!

I seem to be encountering a weird problem with the newest version of TeXnicCenter. You know when you have typed in your text and realised you forgot to add a command? Or you want to add some formatting? So you go to the part of text you want to add the command to, add your backslash and the appropriate command (\newline or whatever). It works great with English! If I try to do so with Greek, though, the program freezes, so I have to shut it down and restart, thus loose all recent changes.

For example, look at the code below. I forgot to add the \en and \gr commands. If I put my cursor before the word "LaTeX" and type \en it works great. If I put my cursor after the word "LaTeX" (thus before Greek), it freezes as soon as I add the backslash. Previous version did not have said problem, so something must have changed..

So, um. Any ideas? :?

Code: Select all

\usepackage[english, greek]{babel}



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