MakeIndex, Nomenclature, Glossaries and Acronymsglossaries | Problem with non-standard Page Numbering

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glossaries | Problem with non-standard Page Numbering

Post by toms125 »


I am using the glossaries package in my report document using TeXworks.

I have created a new glossary "List of Symbols" that I am trying to display inside chapters with \printglossaries. If I use a classic page numbering like roman or arabic, the "List of Symbols" will contain all the symbols that are used with the command \gls{} or added with \glsadd{} or \glsaddall{}, which is fine.

However, when I redefine the page numbering to have chapter-page, the commands listed above don't add anymore the symbols to the "List of Symbols", which is therefore empty. The symbols are added only if the commands like \gls{} are used before redefining the page numbering.

Here is a minimal example of my code:

Code: Select all


\newglossary[slg]{symbols}{sym}{sbl}{List of Symbols}
description=random symbol}


%Redefining the page numbering for chapters

\chapter{Chapter 1}
%The list of symbol is empty...

If I don't redefine the page numbering for chapters, the symbol is printed in the "List of Symbols" but with this code it is not.

Does anyone have a solution for this?

Thank you!

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glossaries | Problem with non-standard Page Numbering

Post by nlct »

You need to change the page compositor to - (hyphen), since your locations are hyphen-separated numbers:

Code: Select all

This must come before \makeglossaries. (You have to set the compositor even if you've used the nonumberlist option.)

Nicola Talbot
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