OthersMacTeX and TeXshop /usr/pdflatex does not exist

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MacTeX and TeXshop /usr/pdflatex does not exist

Post by vchauhan »


I am completely new to LaTeX, I installed MacTeX, and when I try to typeset I get an error saying

/usr/pdflatex does not exist. Perhaps TeXLive was not installed or was removed during a system upgrade. If so, go to the TeXShop web site and follow the instructions to (re)install TeXLive. Another possibility is that a tool path is incorrectly configured in TeXShop preferences. This can happen if you are using the fink teTeX distribution.

can somebody please help me resolve this issue?

many thanks


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MacTeX and TeXshop /usr/pdflatex does not exist

Post by josephwright »

The error message is from TeXShop, not from MacTeX. Did you download the (vary large) MacTeX installer? If so, can you start the Terminal and type

Code: Select all

ls /usr/local
, and report what you see?
Joseph Wright
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