LyXHow to make the first page almost blank with some text

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How to make the first page almost blank with some text

Post by Ultrafox »

I would try to find this thing in the manual, but I'm already almost 24 h past my deadline. So basically all I'm capable of right now is franticly hitting every button. So I'll try this forum:

I wrote an article, but I need to make the first page almost plank: I only need to put some text somewhere in the middle left of the page and somewhere lower right of the page. What is the best way to make this happen in Lyx?

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How to make the first page almost blank with some text

Post by meho_r »

You can use vertical space (Insert > Formatting > Vertical Space). E.g., to have text only in the middle and the bottom, you can use something like this:
  • 1. Insert a vertical space using VFill in "Spacing" drop-down list, with "Protect" checked (without "Protect", vertical spacing without any chars before it is getting ignored at the beginning of a page).
    2. Type the middle text. Right click > Paragraph Settings for fine-tuning the text. And if you don't want that page number, press Ctrl+L and type in:

    Code: Select all

    3. Insert another vertical space (VFill).
    4. Type the bottom text.
    5. Insert a page break (or double-page break), also from Insert > Formatting menu ("Clear page" or "Clear double page" commands).
You can combine vertical and horizontal spacing as you see fit. More infos: Help > User's Guide, section 3.5.
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Joined: Tue Dec 11, 2012 1:22 am

Re: How to make the first page almost blank with some text

Post by Ultrafox »

Thank you very much - that saved me some precious time. I still had some unexpected behavior from Lyx but mostly I got what I wanted.
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