GeneralLearning how to use TeXnicCenter

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Learning how to use TeXnicCenter

Post by BSchor »

Please forgive me if I'm asking in the wrong place. I'm a newcomer to LaTeX, and have just downloaded TeXnicCenter 2.0 Beta 1 (64-bit), running on Windows 7.

I'm trying to find a document on How to Use TeXnicCenter, including a description of the multiple buttons on the toolbar, the menu items, and what to do with the little pop-up box that appears when I type something like \begin{equation}. I've looked on the TeXnicCenter home page, tried to find it in online help, but have not been very successful in my efforts.

I've used a variety of other text editors (SlickEdit and VEdit are two examples) and have used their manuals, tutorials, and Help systems to get started and provide "reminders" and "How To" notes. I'm sure there is comparable material for TeXnicCenter, but I just haven't found it. I would appreciate being pointed in the right direction.

BS (that's not a rude comment, just my initials)

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