BibTeX, biblatex and biberInclusion of simple Bibliography Database fails

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Inclusion of simple Bibliography Database fails

Post by icdesigner »

Hi all,

I am new to using LaTeX and am currently working on a document to include references.

I just created a basic bibliography database file and included it in my source file along with style as plain. Please find below the actual code.

Code: Select all

%this is for section packages
\allsectionsfont{\Large \normalfont \bf}
{\normalfont \bfseries\filcenter}

\usepackage{lastpage} % for the number of the last page in the document





%nothing included just the bibliography testing as of now
I get the following message when I run it using Latex:

Code: Select all

! Undefined control sequence.
<argument> \protect \citeauthoryear
{Golumbic}{Golumbic}{{\protect \APACyear...
l.10 Golumbic2004}
I do not know the reason but it points to the way I format my document. The error goes once I remove the bibliography sentences from the source file.

Last edited by cgnieder on Fri Oct 26, 2012 11:16 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Inclusion of simple Bibliography Database fails

Post by meho_r »

You should add that "foo.bib" file of yours, with at least one entry in it with which, when .tex file is compiled, the error occurs. I didn't encounter any issues when using your code. An example (using pdflatex, TeXLive 2011):

Code: Select all

  author = {Mittelbach, Frank and Goosens, Michel},
  title = {The LaTeX Companion},
  year = {2006},
  publisher = {Addison-Wesley}
\end{filecontents}% Just a simple bibliography entry for testing

%this is for section packages
\allsectionsfont{\Large \normalfont \bf}
{\normalfont \bfseries\filcenter}

\usepackage{lastpage} % for the number of the last page in the document





Some text \cite{mittelbach2006}.% A citation for testing purposes

%nothing included just the bibliography testing as of now
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