Decision GuidanceNO SPELLCHECK

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Post by scales »

perhaps i am wrong but one of the major let downs with latex on windows is the lack of a good spellchecker. There are only two programs that i am aware of that have taken it upon themselves to develop decent spellcheckers, texnic Center, and LEd. can anyone "steal" these to replace aspell? i love the automatic underlining, etc. does anyone know of any alternatives for maybe wintexshell, or texmaker?

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Post by pumpkinegan »

WinEdt offers a red underlining spellchecker. It can also easily be configured to incorporate strict American English (color, labeled, realize, center) or strict British English (colour, labelled, realise, centre), or any adulterated variation.

WinEdt works very well on Windows with MiKTeX. However, WinEdt is not free, and after a 30 day trial period, one will receive annoying pop-up entreaties to register the product.

TeXnicCenter is probably the better option (freeware). It can offer ongoing spellchecking (with the red underlines). Go to Options >> Spelling, and then tick "check spelling while typing".

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Post by pooja »

Hi everyone,
I'm just a Latex newbie.
For days I've been searching the Internet looking for:
1) a free or opensource Word Processor
2) compatible with Windows Vista Home premium
3) which allows me to easily and quickly write Math expressions (without running to the Eq Editor Toolbar)

I've tried OpenOffice Writer and OOoMath but find it easy to express myself in Latex.
So I'm now trying out TexnicCenter runnig with MikTex 2.6.
Is there something more agreeble with a new user? I mean, I'd like to see what I am writing, just like in Word or Wordperfect or Writer but with the added feature of easily writing math formulae and expressions just like in TexnicCenter. Is there anything of that sort, compatible with Vista? Is LEd free? How much space does it occupy on the HD?
Thank you.
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Post by pumpkinegan »

Have a look at Lyx. It has its own discussion board here.

Lyx is a what-you-see-is-what-you-get word processor that uses LaTeX compilation. It is very similar to any common word processor. It has a laborious equation editor, but it also allows insertion of LaTeX code. It is opensource and takes up about 40MB on the hard-drive. However, I have not tried running it with Vista.

LEd is free and similar to TeXnicCenter---a fancy text editor which is optimized for LaTeX documents. Personally, I would recommend sticking with TeXnicCenter. Although document preparation is not immediately intuitive for the new LaTeX user, it gives the user ultimate control (after a learning-curve).

Your choice would be between ease of use and relatively good results with Lyx; or whether you want to spend time and effort learning LaTeX commands and document preparation with TeXnicCenter.
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