MiKTeX and proTeXtfilename problems

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filename problems

Post by CSMR »

I am noticing that I need to alter my filenames to get them to compile (using MikTeX via LyX).

If there are apostrophes in the filenames I get a crash.

Also, in the resulting PDFs, spaces in the filename are replaced by underscores.

I can see that MikTeX gets continually updated. Is there any interest in making it fully compatible with Windows? Or is this a fundamental incompatibility between TeX and filenames on modern operating systems?

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Stefan Kottwitz
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filename problems

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »


it would be good if you would tell more in detail what the problem is.
CSMR wrote:If there are apostrophes in the filenames I get a crash.
Does LyX "crash"? Or do you get an error message? If yes, what does it tell?
And which file names do you mean: the document's file name, a file which you load by \include or by \input, or a picture which you load by \includegraphics?
CSMR wrote:Also, in the resulting PDFs, spaces in the filename are replaced by underscores.
As neither the file name of the document nor names of included files are shown in a pdf file, which file names do you mean? Perhaps you print file names in listings, which provide the option to visualize spaces in file names by blanks symbols which look similar to an underscore, as a place holder? This could be disabled, of course.

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